Saturday, July 31, 2010

A plant needs its own food to function.It can't really make its own food at night.Beyond a few hours of darkness,can a plant stay alive without light?

Healthy plants create more food than they need when they are photosynthesizing in the day, these excess food are stored in various parts of the plant. Some of these foods are used during the night, along with oxygen for the plant to respire and produce Carbon Dioxide. Beyond a few hours of darkness, plants can survive on the excess food but in the absence of light, they will become etiolated. Which means it will have long, weak stems; smaller, sparser leaves and turn a pale yellow colour. This happens as the plant tries to find a light source; however, if it fails after a certain amount of time, it will die. The plant may also wither due to lack of sunlight and water, plants wither to conserve food and water, and however, they will die if sunlight and water is not present after a few days.


  1. Why does their stems beccome longer ? aren't they already going to die?

  2. Stems of plants become longer as they try to find a light source in which they can use the light to photosynthesis , this will allow them to survive.They are able to survive through this process without the "reserves",the remaining food the plants had stored.However , if they do not find this light source , they WILL die from the lack of food.
