Monday, August 9, 2010

What is the best conditions for photosynthesis in the science lab?[Part 1]

We are doing an experiment on whether the surface area of leaves affect their photosynthesis rate.
The experiments will be posted on the blog.Please free to correct us if any errors are found and post constructive comments.

Aim: To find out if the surface area of a leaf affect the rate in which the plant photosynthesize

Hypothesis : The photosynthesis rate of a plant increases as the surface area of its leaves increase

Approach : Place 3 hydrilla of different sizes into 3 set-ups.All set-ups will have constant amount of water and light.As the plant bubbles , we will be able to find out it's rate of photosynthesis(Reason:The bubbles contain oxygen and oxygen is a product of photosynthesis)

Apparatus : - 3 Beakers
- 3 Funnels
- 3 Test tubes
- 3 Lamps

Materials : - Black paper
- 3 Hydrilla of different sizes

Variables :
1) Constants :Water temperature , Intensity of light , Amount of water
2) Dependent Variables : Sizes of leaves

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