Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why study Photosynthesis?

We have to understand how photosynthesis works as it is the vital process that provides us with oxygen, without which, we will die. Also, since the plant takes in CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) through photosynthesis, we may be able to find out how to further enhance this process so as to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas and slow down the process of global warming.Secondly, plants require photosynthesis to make food and survive, without this important process, plants will die and there will be lack of food for herbivores, leading to a disastrous chain effect that might even cause mass extinction. By studying photosynthesis, we may be able to find out the possibility of this happening and how to prevent it.Tant process, plants will die and there will be lack of food for herbivores, leading to a disastrous chain effect that might even cause mass extinction. By studying photosynthesis, we may be able to find out the possibility of this happening and how to prevent it.

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