Thursday, August 26, 2010

Transferring energy to ATP

Cellular respiration is an exergonic process which means it makes energy available to the cell.The reactants (glucose and oxygen) have more free energy than the products (carbon dioxide and water ) .As your cells rearrange the atoms in glucose and oxygen during cellular respiration the molecules are going downhill in energy :The chemical potential energy in the molecules is slowly being siphoned off as it's transferred into the energy carrier ATP.

1 comment:

  1. quoted " ... oxygen) have more free energy than the product ... "

    Question > What do you mean by more free energy?

    Praise > Well done guys, I realize that you constantly provide definations to all the 'new words'. When reading I was thinking: "Wth is exergonic process" but then you answered my question in the next line. Claps.

