Friday, August 27, 2010

Seaty business

Have you ever wondered why you get hot and sweaty when you're working out ? The answer is cellular respiration. Your muscles need energy in the form of ATP to do work ,so they increase the rate of cellular respiration .Cellular respiration breaks down food molecules and transfers energy to ATP .However ,not all the energy from food is captured by the cell. In fact, cellular respiration can transfer only about 40 percent of the energy in food to ATP; the other 60 percent is lost to the environment as heat .As the heat transfer through your body ,you heat up ,causing your automatic sprinkler system ,sweating ,to kick in and help cool you back down.


  1. i didnt know that we need energy to seat. But we need lesser energy to seat compared to other vigorous exercise

  2. MOREinfo > Yea. We lose heat through our skin.

    - Sweat glands under the skin secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin. This causes heat loss by evaporative cooling but a down point is a lot of essential water is lost.

    CoolFACT > Most animals can't sweat efficiently. Cats and dogs only have sweat glands on the pads of their feet. Horses and humans are two of the few animals capable of sweating. Many animals pant rather than sweat, this is because the lungs have a large surface area. Air is inhaled, cooling the surface of the lungs and is then exhaled losing heat and some water vapour.

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