Sunday, August 22, 2010

What happens if we remove oxygen from a plant?

As plants respire aerobically , which is a form of respiration which requires oxygen , when oxygen is removed ,it may have to respire anaerobically to provide energy needed for its activities. However, while this may provide the plant with energy,it does not produce sufficient CO2 to carry out photosynthesis permanently. Without photosynthesis , the plant will not be able to produce food(glucose) , and it will eventually die. Other than that , the process of anaerobic respiration produces the toxic ethanol , in which excess of it may kill the plant as well.


  1. I disagree with kkxrdhx:Due to the fact that plants needs carbon dioxide,chances of anaerobic respiration is 0% as anaerobic respiration does not give much energy and the plants do not need much energy.

  2. Disagree: "it does not produce CO2 that is neede for photosynthesis"

    eh, I thought they did? This is the equation for ANAEROBICrespiration >
    Glucose => Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide + Energy
    Carbon Dioxide is produced what .. Besides, the carbon dioxide can be obtained from other means like from the air, its not nessasarily a must for the CO2 to be produced by the plant.

  3. Reply to phanwilber : While the plant may not need much energy , anaerobic respiration can happen without carbon dioxide.
    Reply to TongChen, Glenn, Rena, ShuQi, Wilber:Mistake on the CO2 part.On the air part , We are implying that this is the only plant involved and that a set amount of CO2 is in the air , hence , it will be used up by the plant for photosynthesis , after which , there will be none left.
    -Kok Xuan

  4. I disagree. PLants cant produce alcohol (denatured ethanol ) only yeast can do that however, if yeast undergoes anaerobic respiration, it produces alcohol can will kill itself

  5. It depends on the raw materials as if the raw materials is enough to photosynthesis, means that they can respire as the product of the photosynthesis is the raw material of respiration.
