Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Final Conclusion

As posted on July,our initial theory was that Photosynthesis and Respiration depend on each other as photosynthesis produces the oxygen required for respiration.

*Plants need oxygen for respiration as most eukaryotes do. However, in the presence of light, the oxygen output from photosynthesis is greater than that taken up for respiration. Therefore, plants do not need oxygen for survival provided they are supplied with light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

*In the dark, no photosynthesis occurs and the plant takes up only oxygen. Carbon dioxide is given out due to cellular respiration. A plant cannot survive without supplied oxygen under such conditions but carbon dioxide also gives out oxygen which means plants can live without oxygen since there is already oxygen in carbon dioxide molecule.

*Breathe In, Breathe Out

The old saying is that plants are the opposite of people. People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. Although this statement is true, it is not complete. Plants also breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Timing is the main issue in determining what is happening within the plant. It really depends on the time of day and sun exposure.

*Gas Absorption

Plant breathing happens in two ways, by gases being absorbed through pores in the plant and by photosynthesis, which is the absorption of sunlight. With the absorption of gases through the pores, oxygen is taken in and reacts with glucose. The plant then releases carbon dioxide. The pores of the plant are located everywhere, even the roots. For this reason it is best not to give a plant too much water. It blocks the absorption process, and the plant literally drowns.

As a result,Photosynthesis and Respiration are essential life processes.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The steps of photophosphorylation

Photophosphorylation means making ATP using the energy from light .Although this process and the making of ATP during cellular respiration are similar ,the processes also have several differences .In particular ,the sources of energy and electrons for photosynthesis are different than they are for respiration .In photosynthesis ,light provides the energy ,and water provides the electrons.In cellular respiration ,both the energy and the electrons come form food molecules .

Seaty business

Have you ever wondered why you get hot and sweaty when you're working out ? The answer is cellular respiration. Your muscles need energy in the form of ATP to do work ,so they increase the rate of cellular respiration .Cellular respiration breaks down food molecules and transfers energy to ATP .However ,not all the energy from food is captured by the cell. In fact, cellular respiration can transfer only about 40 percent of the energy in food to ATP; the other 60 percent is lost to the environment as heat .As the heat transfer through your body ,you heat up ,causing your automatic sprinkler system ,sweating ,to kick in and help cool you back down.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Transferring energy to ATP

Cellular respiration is an exergonic process which means it makes energy available to the cell.The reactants (glucose and oxygen) have more free energy than the products (carbon dioxide and water ) .As your cells rearrange the atoms in glucose and oxygen during cellular respiration the molecules are going downhill in energy :The chemical potential energy in the molecules is slowly being siphoned off as it's transferred into the energy carrier ATP.

Moving electons to oxygen

During cellular respiration, glucose is oxidized ,and oxygen is reduced, which meas that electrons are removed from glucose and transferred to oxygen.When the electrons are moved , they 're moved as part of hydrogen atoms.In fact to turn glucose into carbon dioxide ,need to moved the hydrogen atoms .Likewise ,to turn oxygen into water need to add hydrogen atoms.

The oxidation of glucose is exergonic and makers lots of energy available to the cell.To control the energy release ,the oxidation happens as part of the many small steps of cellular respiration ,rather than as a single transfer form glucose to oxygen .During several steps of cellular respiration ,electrons are transferred form the intermediates to NAD+changing it to its reduced form,NADH+H+. NADH then transfers the electrons to an electron transport chain ,where they're passed along through a series of redox reactions before being transferred to oxygen .The electron transport chin is a series of protein in a membrane that use redox reactions to transfer energy to ATP .